Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hot minute

Woo its been a hot minute since i've updated this thing. Lots of living has been happening since this bad boy got an update. remember that tattoo i was talking about? got it. almost a year later and i still love it. i love the looks people give me when i take my shirt off. its all like "why does he have california tattoo'd on his body, when he lives in Va?" Well its my tattoo, i dont give two fucks what you think about it.
in other news, im now a junior at ODU, with kind of an idea what i may do after i graduate? weird i know...i got a pretty sweet internship starting in a couple weeks, and they said that if they like me, and i like them, they'll hire me after i graduate. which is TERRIFYING. i believe we all take solace in having some level of unknown, and having this most basic "plan" is sending me over the edge. the thought that in a year, i could have a *gasp* career, is astonishing. its also terrifying because what if i hate my career? i'll have wasted a ton of money and time and be back at square one. im scared because this internship isnt exactly what i want to do, so i tell my self its temporary, even if i get hired after graduation. its also in virginia beach, and i was really looking forward to going home to live with my parents and saving some money. but oh well, livin life on the edge.
relationship status wise, im single, and not giving two shits about it. been in college almost three years and done it all. had the girlfriend a couple of times, done the "chase the girl" thing, and made a few mistakes. sure its all fun, but who are we if we have to have someone to be ourselves? sounds like we're half a person if we alone. i'm becoming more and more okay with the fact that college may not be where i meet my "soulmate". college is a breeding ground for the shallow and confused, and i'll be the first to admit that i am not ready to be done finding who i am. i have got a lot of life to live, and there's not schedule i need to follow.
well i seem to be having a bit of writer's block after that last paragraph. probably because this is hell week for midterms, and im a bit burnt out, but oh well. did have fun reconnecting with Karen today though, i missed her caring spirit in my life, and it was exactly what i needed.
hopefully i'll remember to update this thing, but who knows, i live a pretty hectic life.

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