Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dirt Roads

I love dirt roads. i love the complexity of dirt roads. i love the simplicity of dirt roads. One of my favorite things to do is drive down them, not knowing where im going, in hopes of finding something. it usually ends up ending in a driveway, so i have to awkwardly turn around, or at an intersection of a paved or dirt road. maybe thats why i like dirt roads, they're alot like life. full of forced greetings, some swearing, some scraping by, and the occasional flooring it. you never know what'll be around that next corner. you hope its not another car going as fast as you, or you're fucked. usually you're in luck, but then there's the other time when you both slam on the brakes, take a deep breath, and vow to slow down on the next curve. thats what we do in life. we fly towards a situation with open hearts and hopeful minds, until we almost get hit head on, so we put our guard up for the next few curves. the guard never stays up though. eventually we forget about the past curve, the past hurt, and hit that skinny pedal on the right. who knows if we'll make it, but it sure is fun in the mean time.

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