Friday, August 20, 2010


A second post about pictures? is he running out've things to talk about? answer:yes. for now at least. im kind of in a transition for a few days. a proverbial crossroad if you may. i had a thought about pictures as i was going through mine. the sad thing about taking pictures, is that most of the time, you're never in them. i know, "self timer", but its different. its different than standing there, posed, versus stealing a moment. photography for me is all about stealing moments. sinister, i know, but if i want a moment, its mine, as long as i have my camera. it can never fade from memory, or become unpopular to talk about, or be glazed over with the excuse of "too much to drink". that moment is mine, save if i lose my memory card. that picture is there, and obviously, so was i, if i took it. thats the only proof that you were there, is that its on your memory card, or your roll of film. side note: i would like to get into film photography, i like the idea of not knowing your mistakes until you develop the film. digital seems so cold and precise, what is the world without a few mistakes? i've learned they make the best pictures. back on track, if someone were to, say, take your camera and take pictures with it, they could, in theory, lie about being there. so really, unless you sneak a picture of yourself in the album, who knows who is taking the pictures. talk about mistaken identity.

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