Monday, August 16, 2010


I found my Xanga the other day. for the youngins', that was the precursor to Myspace. heres one of the quizzes i took, but with answers from today.

Currently Playing: John Mayer-Comfortable, just came on
Name: Brady
Birthdate: 2/6
Birthplace: Fresno, California
Current Location: Hamilton
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Righty or Lefty: both
Zodiac Sign: aquarius
Your Heritage: Swedish, irish, german
Shoes You Wore Today: flip flops
Your Weakness: Monster Energy Drinks and sweettarts
Your Fears: spiders
Your Most Overused Word on AIM: Do not use it anymore
Your Thoughts Waking Up: can i sleep any longer?
Your Bedtime: usually around midnight
Your Most Missed Memory: last summer
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: Bk
Single or Group Dates: mixture of both
Adidas or Nike: nike
Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea:
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee with lots of sugar and cream
Smoke: no
Curse: trying to cut back
Have a Significant Other: no
Take a Shower Every Day: haha i try
Think You've Been in Love: No
Like High School: it had its moments
Want to Get Married: someday, someday not soon
Believe in Yourself: most of the time
Get Motion Sickness: nope
Think You're Attractive: absolutely haha
Think You're a Health Freak: good lord no!
Get Along with Your Parents: nowdays? not so much
Like Thunderstorms: love ‘em!
Play an Instrument: none anymore
In the Past Month Have You...
Drank Alcohol: yup
Done a Drug: nope
Gone on a Date: yes
Gone to The Mall: yes
Been on Stage: no
Eaten an Entire Box of Oreos: no
Eaten Sushi: nope
Been Dumped: yes
Gone Skating: nope
Gone Skinny Dipping: ha i wish
Dyed Your Hair: nope
Stolen Anything: not that i remember?
Have You Ever...
Played a Game That Required the Removal of Clothing: haha kings!
Been Trashed or Extremely Intoxicated: yup
Been Caught 'Doing Something': ehh not "something" too bad
Been Called a Tease: haha yes
Beat Up: back in the day by my sister
Shoplifted: no
Who You Were to Fit in: who knows
In The Numbers...
Number of People I Could Trust With My Life: not sure
Number of CD's I own: not very many nowdays
Number of Piercings: none
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of Times My Name Has Appeared in the News Paper: 3 or 4 times
Number of Scars on My Body: more and more everyday it seems
Number of Things in My Past I Regret: regret nothing

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